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Why Choose Legendairy Milk Lactation Supplements?


a food, herb or drug that promotes or increases the flow of a mother's milk.

For centuries, certain herbs and foods have been used in different cultures to promote breast milk production. While fenugreek has been the go-to galactagogue in the US for many years and works well for some women, others may experience some undesirable side effects while taking it. In one survey of nursing mothers in the United States, 85 had used fenugreek as a galactagogue and 45% of those mothers reported having experienced an adverse reaction from the supplement.1

In fact, Luna Feehan, the owner of Legendairy Milk® experienced this firsthand with her son when her lactation consultant recommended she try a fenugreek tincture. After determining it was not a good fit for her or her baby, she began to research other galactagogues used in various parts of the world to support milk production.


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Congrats! You're a new mom to an adorable little squish you get to kiss, cuddle, and oh wait...feed! Breastmilk is one of the greatest gifts a mom can give her baby but breastfeeding isn't always the easiest job in the world. For Legendairy Milk founder, Luna Feehan, those first few weeks after her son was born were primarily spent obsessing about her breast milk production. Not surprising when the majority of her days involved nursing, pumping, hand expressing, washing bottles and then starting the cycle all over again! And the worry about whether she was producing enough milk constantly niggled in the back of her mind.

If you're reading this, you've probably had or are currently having a similar experience. Please know that you're not alone. Concern about an inadequate milk supply is the #1 reason why women stop breastfeeding.

That's why Legendairy Milk®️ was created. For centuries, certain herbs and foods have been used in different cultures to help promote breast milk production. Our herbal lactation supplements were formulated with these carefully chosen ingredients to target the primary issues that affect milk production. Our products are free of any additives or preservatives so that every capsule is brimming with pure and potent milk-enhancing ingredients. We've gone to great lengths to ensure our formulations are organic and healthy for both mom and baby because we know a legendairy mom like you deserves a legendairy product.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris aliquet nibh velit, nec consectetur libero bibendum ac. Sed quam lacus, sollicitudin a suscipit id, congue a tellus. Morbi eu metus nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc sit amet cursus sapien. Praesent pellentesque augue sit amet metus condimentum, nec ultricies nulla commodo. Phasellus ornare auctor rutrum.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris aliquet nibh velit, nec consectetur libero bibendum ac. Sed quam lacus, sollicitudin a suscipit id, congue a tellus. Morbi eu metus nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc sit amet cursus sapien. Praesent pellentesque augue sit amet metus condimentum, nec ultricies nulla commodo. Phasellus ornare auctor rutrum.

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solution fright drive address hotel hospital post soften town handkerchief most mix fierce bed dot mistake refer bury expression part hang refer explain there frighten all chimney barber woman

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solution fright drive address hotel hospital post soften town handkerchief most mix fierce bed dot mistake refer bury expression part hang refer explain there frighten all chimney barber woman