Do You Experience a Decrease in Milk Supply During Your Period? - Legendairy Milk

Do You Experience a Decrease in Milk Supply During Your Period?

By: Sabrina Granniss, IBCLC


0 min

calcium magnesium

Believe it or not, there can be a correlation between getting your period and your breastfeeding milk supply. Some of us experience a temporary, sudden drop in milk supply during the days just before our period starts, and for a few days afterward. Taking a calcium magnesium supplement may help by preventing the drop in blood calcium levels, which may cause nipple tenderness, a decrease in milk supply, and sometimes uterine cramping.⁣⁣
You can start taking it around the time you ovulate, and continue through the first few days of your period. Calcium is absorbed most efficiently when taken no more than 500 mg at a time, so divide it into several doses throughout the day. Take the magnesium to bowel tolerance — meaning you may need to start at a lower dosage and slowly increase the dosage to what you can tolerate. 💩

Do you experience a drop in supply right before/during your period?

Milkapalooza® contains moringa and nettle which are a rich source of essential vitamins and nutrients to help nourish both mom and baby while moringa is also known to quickly and naturally promote milk production.

Fun Fact: 100 grams of dried moringa has 9x the protein in yogurt, 17x the calcium in cow’s milk, and 24x the iron in spinach.

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