Each month we donate a portion of our profits to a child with medical needs through the Legendairy Littles program. This month we will be focusing on an amazing 4 year old named Zach. Zach holds a special place in our hearts because he was the first ever recipient of our Legendairy Littles donation and his mother, Libby, now runs the program!
For the first two years of his life, Libby exclusively pumped on an elimination diet to provide all of his nutrition for him. Legendairy Milk products were a major factor in the success of Libby's milk production. Now, at four years old, Zach has a very restricted diet of only seven foods. He relies upon these foods to provide all of his nutrition. The seven ingredients are sourced from specific farms, which means that his family must purchase a year’s worth of each food when they are in season.
When Zach comes into contact with a food outside of those found to be safe, he can get GI bleeds, and his body temperature and blood pressure drop which can result in going into shock. The only way to find new foods for Zach to eat is by trial and error. He currently has approximately 50 foods that have known negative reactions. Additionally, Zach has a difficult time regulating his body temperature and blood pressure when outside of a controlled environment, he also gets headaches and dizzy easily.
Zach’s family is searching for a clear diagnosis for Zach. They have traveled thousands of miles seeking the help of specialists in order to gain a better understanding of how Zach’s body is absorbing food and responding to environmental factors. The donation from Legendairy Milk will help Zach’s family continue to see specialists away from their hometown and continue to search for a diagnosis and better care for him.