Meet This Month's Legendairy Little, Kadence

Each month, one family with a medically complex baby or child is selected to receive a portion of the profits from Legendairy Milk as part of the Legendairy Littles program. 

The month of November we have selected to focus on Twin to Twin Transfusion (TTTS). TTTS can affect identical twins who share the same placenta. This occurs when blood in the placenta is shared unequally between twins where one twin will receive a smaller portion of nutrients and the other twin will take more than their needed nutrients. There are many factors that can affect the severity of TTTS including the number and types of connecting blood vessels and the way in which the placenta is shared between the twins. This is not a genetic condition and can happen by chance to any set of multiples. 

At only 25 weeks gestation, Kendall and Kadence were diagnosed with Stage 1 Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Kendall was considered the donor as she was giving an increased amount of blood flow and nutrients to Kadence causing Kendall to have no amniotic fluid. The girls had surgery in utero where the surgeon lasered the shared blood flow between the sisters so that they could each have their own blood flows. Sadly, the following day it was discovered that Kendall had passed away. Kadence continued to thrive, making it to 31 weeks gestation and being born weighing 3 pounds 1 ounce on August 14, 2017. Kadence currently remains in the NICU. She continues to grow and while trying to master drinking from a bottle and getting the hang of breathing without her nasal cannula. Because of the stress that TTTS put on her body, it is unsure what long term effects she may experience. 

During the month of November, a portion of Legendairy Milk’s profits will be donated to Kadence’s family to assist with the expenses associated with her prolonged NICU stay including the travel expenses that come with visiting Kadence in the NICU. If you would like to nominate your family for the Legendairy Littles program, please email us at 

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