Meet This Month's Legendairy Little, Lucas

Each month we donate a portion of our profits to a child with medical needs through the Legendairy Littles program. 

Born three weeks early, Lucas weighed in at 5 pounds 7 ounces. Shortly after he was born, doctors noticed that his body was covered in red dots called petechiae. He had blood work done and was transferred to the NICU where he would spend nine days. There he would be diagnosed with congenital CMV. Lucas is now six months old and has had more blood draws and hospital admissions that could be counted. The CMV has affected Lucas’ liver to such an extent that it is unable to repair itself and Lucas is currently in need of a liver transplant. Lucas spends his weeks with his Mom at a hospital 2.5 hours from home. On weekends his Dad is able to go visit while Mom goes back home to be with Lucas’ two-year-old sister.

During this month, a portion of all sales will be donated to Lucas’ family to help with his continued care. If you would like to donate directly to her family, you can do so through their GoFundMe:

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